There is an annoying bug in the touch event handling in xserver-xorg-core which affects all Linux distributions, where if you use transformation matrices (like below), only some of the events are transformed. This causes pointer down events to be transformed, and pointer up events to not, which looks like the cursor is constantly jumping from the "correct" transformed location to the untransformed location. This problem occurs often to anyone trying to rotate a touchscreen to portrait, for example. Its mentioned on the internet in various places.
An example of what you might want to do. In this example, a touchscreen is rotated to portrait, and is scaled down a bit. This is correct, but the transformations fail for some events because of the bug.
sudo xrandr --output VGA1 --rotate right --right-of LVDS1 --scale 0.66667x0.66667 sudo xinput set-prop "QUANTA OpticalTouchScreen" --type=float "Coordinate Transformation Matrix" 0 0.36 0.64 -1 0 1 0 0 1
How to fix The fix has been created, and it is floating around on the internet. Here is the patch that I found, from my Google Drive so the link doesn't vanish : x_touches.patch
How to apply the patch I've created a script to apply the patch, because you have to do this every time you upgrade your system's xserver (which is pretty often using the normal updates). Please read the script and apply to your situation, or simply save the script as a file (say, '') and run it in some 'temp' directory where you have the patch file too (must be named x_touches.patch).
Running the script involves calling 'chmod 755' first, to make it runnable, then saying './'. I hope this helps someone!
#Script for patching and building xserver-xorg-core for touch screens if [ ! -n "$1" ] then dpkg -s xserver-xorg-core; echo "PLEASE CHECK EXACT VERSION NUMBER FROM THE ABOVE LISTING (e.g. 2:1.13.0-0ubuntu6.1),"; echo "THEN RUN THIS SCRIPT AGAIN WITH THE VERSION IN QUOTES"; else echo "Getting and building xserver-xorg-core, version $1" sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install fakeroot; sudo apt-get build-dep xserver-xorg-core; sudo apt-get source xserver-xorg-core=$1; cd xorg-server-*; sudo patch -p1 -i ../x_touches.patch; sudo dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -us -uc -b cd ..; sudo dpkg -i xserver-xorg-core_*.deb fi
Mikael Laine, SW Specialist - Ixonos
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